Emma Spring Cleaning at XP

Good morning and welcome to spring…maybe. This Feb newsletter is a little bit late but that kind of works with the content. “Spring is in the air” they say; I have been witness to the changing of seasons for over 30 years now but STILL, EVERY YEAR, EVERY SEASON I manage to forget what that feels like.

I have caught it a couple of times recently that hint of spring in the air, only for it to slip away. Sometimes it is triggered by the light on these bright and cold mornings or the smell of the air but it’s always some elusive excitement. The best way I can describe it is as a sort of future nostalgia?

There isn’t really a segue here but the other thing I have been pondering again recently is the intimacy of sound. Maybe it is also somehow connected to this future nostalgia thing? It happens with radio broadcasts; Kirsten often uses this meme to describe it in our presentations about radio.

The voice note though, for me is the concentrated form of this and I am so pleased they exist in our communication media landscape. I love receiving voice notes and sometimes I just listen back through old ones for the feels. So for this newsletter I mushed these two thoughts together and asked the XP family to leave some voice notes on spring for your listening pleasure :)

Enjoy, Jack x

Extra Announcements


Ben will be showing some brand new work at the Goethe Insitute in Rotterdam from the 10th of March until the 20th of April. The work is part of a project thats deep within the process stage, so expect mess, intuitive decisions and some fun little screens. The project is based on a practice of listening to a specific set of weather satellites to get a live view from above.

Throughout the exhibition Ben will be doing satellite listening sessions than anyone and everyone is welcome to join. During these sessions we will tune into a weather satellite passing above Rotterdam on the roof of the Goethe. Everyone who joins will also receive a screen printed version of the image we collect during this listening!


On April 1st Jack will be presenting his internet radio project with an audio performance at Kiosk Bookshop Rotterdam, more info to come soon. He has also quietly launched his website at www.jackbardwell.com where he is very gradually adding projects but feel free to drop by there for a browse and a chat.

Jack, Ben, Gijs, Kirsten, Emma, xpxp

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