photo by Ceola

"What you focus on eXPands"🫛
+ The 4 Openings photo album ✂️

↑ photo by Ceola

Hello from a fresh new open XP!

It’s summer here now, finally.* Time feels slower and the air is hot and our view of the river makes me (Emma) want to jump in – which is not a good idea, this part of the Rotte is pretty gross – but I will cycle up the river later today for a swim with Jack and Elliott. The front garden is exploding with wildflowers and peas, and life is pretty good. 

*update few days later, it's grey and rainy again – this is still the Netherlands 🌧️ 

A few days before The 4 Openings we got a postcard from Gijs’s parents, because they could not be there in person for the event. On the front it said: What you focus on, expands. The Saturday of the openings, my friend Anouk came by the studio to gift us a plant. Attached to it was a handwritten note that said What you pay attention to, grows.

I loved reading this double confirmation of a belief I’ve personally felt for a very long time about Extra Practice, and life in general. And we have put in a lot of focus on this space and we did expand! (m2 wise, member wise, newsletter-reader wise, garden wise, ...) 

Expanding in size has also meant paying more rent, painting more walls, getting more furniture, doing more cleaning. But in return the space now offers so many more possibilities for events, and can fit more people inside, and gives us more space to work and play, and that makes it worth it. 

The beautiful flowers and peas in the front garden are there because we sowed them. But in hot weeks they need extra water, and the pea-plants need to be supported with sticks, and every few days I need to tell the strawberry to get back inside the garden because it’s trying to gain territory, or take out the trash that got stuck between the plants on a windy day. But the garden brings me sooo much joy every single morning I arrive, and that makes it worth it.

But… there is also a doubt, one that creeps in from time to time and sometimes even causes frustrations among us. What are we doing all this unpaid labour for? Why put so much time into something without having a clear (business) plan for it? How to balance this communal thing with pursuing our individual careers and dreams? What if some people can invest more time than others? How to keep something light and fun and ‘vrijblijvend’ when it is slowly growing heavier and needs more responsibility?

I think for now, trust is a keyword. To trust that whatever this space grows into, we will make the right decisions together. And trusting that ultimately, we all want the same thing: to thrive and grow, and to see each other thrive and grow as well. That might look differently for all of us, and happen at different rhythms, and we will all have different needs to thrive and grow – just like the peas need support-sticks and the strawberry needs some limitations sometimes, and the climbing plant needs something to climb on :)

Elliott also needs something to climb on

We took our time to recover, clean up, come down, process, de-brief and reorganise after The 4 Openings. For everyone that attended one or more of them: Thank you so much for contributing to the fantastic atmosphere. It was amazing seeing so many well known and brand new faces, mixing with neighbours and parents and friends from in and far outside Rotterdam (Amsterdam! Almere!! Arnhem!!! Amiens!!!!). We had sooo much fun and almost couldn’t believe how almost all of our ambitious plans worked out. 

Inspired by a nice review we got on Google Maps, I asked every XP member to write a review about The 4 Openings. Here they are:

Age-old silliness and fun. Parody offers another possibility for what a place might become..

What a day, what a night. Loved dropping my designer/artist self after the first two openings and stepping into the role of waiter Augustina (as christened by some of our Italian guests) during Act III: the Pizzeria. Halfway through Act IV in between serving drinks behind the bar, I found myself standing next to Maurik, who looked at the dancing crowd and said: ‘wat hebben we toch een leuk leven.’ Inderdaad.

A huge wave of energy and inspiration that I’m still surfing along today.

I enjoyed the whole thing so much it was a bit confusing. There were these moments - like putting up shelves for artworks in overalls and being the host of the pizzeria in an apron - that felt both like a theater act and at the same time very real (there actually was art and pizza). That muddy in-between space was liberating. Perhaps even more than showing the different spaces we want XP to be, I liked how we created this performative playground. I remember telling some it came closest to the experience of being a band. I think it makes sense. We were all casted as our archetypes making something together in real time. But what’s confusing is this: if I felt so at home while building and hosting and performing together, should I really look for a PhD? Or could it perhaps help the search for a fitting one? In conclusion, The 4 Openings scores pretty high as an existential mirror.

I'm not sure what my exact purpose in life is, but during the Openings I felt very, very close to it...

Best theatre play I've ever seen. 

The 4 Openings PHOTO ALBUM

For all of you who couldn’t be there (and for ourselves to look back later) here is a little retelling of what happened on the 1st of June 2024 at Linker Rottekade, accompanied by a selection of photos taken by Gijs.

(We were talking with Vida the other day about how we kind of miss Facebook photo albums, so I thought, why not make a photo album with some descriptions)

It all started two weeks prior to the event, when we begun our 'construction week'. Main tasks: tiling the kitchen floor, building a kitchen unit, installing a light system and building desks and storage units. Jack and Gijs dedicated so much of their time designing a system with the very limited time, money and tools available, and getting all the materials, and researching and planning the best ways to realize everything. We then all went in full construction mode that week, while also designing graphics and planning and promoting the event.

On June 1st in the morning, Maurik biked over his cargo-bike-pizza-oven while Jack prepared the pizza dough and the rest of us hurried to get the space ready. 

At 15:00 we officially opened the XP workshop space. Henk, our previous neighbour from Zwaanshals, showed up in a beautiful blue suit and cut the ribbon.

The first opening was about XP in its most 'common' state: a place where we are making things, hanging out, generating ideas, and improvising solutions while preparing for the next opening. People were making buttons and painting tiles for our new kitchen wall. 

Then we started preparing for the next opening, and the artists came to unpack and install their works in the front space. Ceola was there to coordinate. Colin was in the closet getting The Closet ready. The pizza oven was being heated up, ingredients getting prepared.

At 17:00 everyone went outside, and we officially opened the XP gallery space. Ceola held a speech and Koen and Hedwig cut the ribbon. Then the show was open for visitors. Emma performed a guided meditation about opening, and Daniele DJd, and people enjoyed art and champagne and we felt like a real gallery. 

In the meantime the pizzaioli were preparing for the next opening – the most ambitious one of all.. 

  LOOK at these cuties!!!!            ↑ photo by Ceola          

At 19:00 everyone went outside, and we officially opened the XP pizza canteen. Jack held a speech and Maurik cut the ribbon. Then we opened for our 50 guests that had reserved.

While Jack, Maurik and Nick baked fantastic potato and tomato pizzas, the rest of us became waiters. Our Italian guests gave us some Italian names for the evening. Our workspace transformed into a legit pizzeria and we served lots of happy customers.

At 21:00 everyone went outside, and we officially opened the XP bar. There was no time for a speech because we had already received a warning from handhaving (fake police) to go inside and close the door. Ben and Nick and Jack on the decks

Throughout the day people could discover the secret bar Colin created in the XP storage closet: The Closet, world tiniest gay bar. A special cocktail was served there and on show was Colin's archive of video vignettes collected in gay bars over 5 years. It was such a vibe!!!

Unfortunately we got shut down by the police around 1:30, despite notifying every one of our neighbours and doing our best to keep the door closed :( Later that month we received a €160 fine!?!?!?!?!? which apparently automatically will give Gijs a criminal record?!!??!? We are of course fighting this, fingers crossed.

Although the party could and should have lasted for hours longer, we got enough to believe that besides a workspace, and a gallery, and a restaurant, XP could also definitely be a bar/club (if it were allowed:)

That was it! Thanks again everyone who joined, we love you xpxpxp

We'd like to publicly extra-thank some special people here 🩶
💙 Maurik for sharing your amazing pizza-oven-bike with us again, and for being a super dedicated hard working pizzaboy all day ❤️ Ceola for curating the first ever exhibition in our front space, and in such a professional and caring yet light and playful way, making everyone feel appreciated and looked after, and bringing general great energy as always 💛 Nick for literally being part of every single opening, bringing us pizza, art, music and just blessing us with your presence in general 🩵 Colin for creating worlds tiniest gay bar in our storage, The Closet was such a vibe and should be a recurring thing for sure... 💚 Jean-Baptiste for helping out with build-up, contributing your work and making those craaaazy videos (they actually capture perfectly what the day felt like for us) and for being our friend and always being here:)))
❤️ Wietske for sewing us a curtain in an hour as if it was nothing, and for supporting XP from the start! 💙 Pablo for being our long distance friend and coming all the way from France again, and for helping out in the pizzeria and bringing your Pablo-energy, always! 🩵 Daniele for playing your amazing vinyls during the first two openings without even knowing us yet, hope to have you back some time 💛 Stef and Thomas for their passionate camera work 💙 Flip for lending us your button machine ❤️ Hedwig & Koen for donating the beautiful kitchen tiles, towels and glasses and gifting us the window vinyl; And of course thanks to the other contributing artists Manon, Matilde, Megan, and Sarah 💚 

News & Events

8 July
Calm Coding at Varia hosted by Ben

13 July
HTML free write on HTML-day @ Rotte river/Extra Practice hosted by Ben & Elliott
Unfortunately the boat is full for now, but there is enough space at XP – or maybe we'll get a bigger boat? DO reach out if you want to join!

TBA – in July!
ThemeWork: session 5 BTW-daycare

Hey kiddies! Q2 taxes are due soon, which means it is time for another ThemeWork sesh! And because doing taxes is so boring, serious and adult why not make the theme fun, playful and immature? Let’s become kids again before/while/after finishing the most grown up task there is.

Check yourself in at our BTW Daycare and let us take care of your day while you take care of your BTW – OR other admin tasks if you have a bookkeeper. Come work at Extra Practice in your toddler-core outfit, bring your laptop and admin files, and we take care of:

🧸 Fun and comfy places to work - sitting, standing or lying on your tummy
🧃Juiceboxes & healthy snacks
🖍️ Play-doh, crayons craft supplies to restore our imagination
🍭Sweet rewards
📺 (Y)our favorite kids tv shows playing in the background

Bring all your freelance-friends! 👬👭👫

(Keep an eye on IG/ for date announcement)

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